Thursday, October 2, 2008

My new Blog!

Well, today I'm starting my new blog! I'm very new at having one and keeping it up, but I thought it would be fun!

I'm getting ready to walk my 5-year-old daughter, Mia, down to the bus stop. She's in Kindergarten. I also have three other daughters: Aimee-16, Anna-14, and Abbie-11.

My husband is Kevin and he works as an electrician. It's very hard work and we are so proud of him. He has to work in the hot sun. Currently he and his company are working on a Junior high in Madera.

I'm trying to get myself a cleaning schedule and routine to get my house in shape while he's working and my kids are at school. It's hard.

I'm also considering having weight loss surgery. If anyone has anything to add to help me make my decision, I would greatly appreciate it.